Monthly Archives: July 2022

Car Safety Tips for Parents with Babies and Toddlers

Car Safety Tips for Parents with Babies and Toddlers

It is important to safeguard your child's safety by taking the appropriate precautions. Your child's safety may be enhanced by being aware of possible threats and understanding how to properly protect them. It's never a bad idea to remind parents of the importance of proper driving safety for children. By following these recommendations, you can demonstrate safe driving etiquette to your kids. 1. Maintain order in the car Distracted driving may result in an accident. The driver's concentration may be impaired by cries, screaming, and fights. Texting, eating, and chatting on the phone are all distractions that raise the risk of an accident. If your children are fighting, you should pull over. Wait until you reach your location before answering or replying to a phone call or text message. Set and enforce clear rules for safe driving habits. 2. Put them in the back seats. Under-13-year-old passengers should always sit in the rear seat. This safeguards them from possibl ... read more