Monthly Archives: April 2024

Protecting Your Car From Florida's Hailstorms

Protecting Your Car From Florida's Hailstorms

Living in Florida has perks, from beautiful beaches to warm weather year-round. However, residents also face the challenge of severe weather, including hailstorms. These sudden and intense storms can wreak havoc on vehicles, causing significant damage to unprotected cars. What Makes Them Dangerous Hailstorms occur when strong updrafts in thunderstorms carry raindrops high into freezing layers of the atmosphere, where they form into hailstones. These frozen pellets can vary in size, ranging from small pea-sized hail to larger, more destructive stones the size of golf balls or even baseballs. When these hailstones plummet to the ground, they can strike vehicles with considerable force, denting metal panels and shattering glass, causing extensive damage to the exterior of cars. Tips for Protecting Your CarSeek Shelter Whenever Possible The best way to protect your car from hail damage is to keep it covered or enclosed during a storm ... read more